NEW! Roots & Crowns TOTES!
$ 25.00
This variant is currently sold out

I have no idea why I waited this long to make totes for the shop. Actually, I do. The last 4.5 years have been so uncertain and volatile, I rarely knew If I'd be able to withstand Covid, small business struggles, etc. So I was waiting for some more feeling of certainty, and it turns out that's not a thing worth waiting for.
Part of the work I've been doing for the last half a year, is an in depth dive into what Roots & Crowns has been, what it is, and what it wants to become. In a manifesto that I wrote which was super inspiring to me, the first line was "potions for the flickering flames who will not go out." I felt it was something that I'd like to read while I was waiting in line, on a subway, or on an airplane. The quote is on one side of each tote bag. For the other side, there is a choice of two illustrations: either the Magic Working Hands, or the illustration of the Sacred Storefront.
If you've been a long time customer of Roots & Crowns, have visited the shop or hope to, I am excited that these bags can be a taking a visual and spiritual moment from this special space- wherever you are and for whatever you are carrying.
Totes are made from 100% sustainably-sourced cotton, screen printed a couple of miles from my house by a small family business.