The Sensual World: A Rose-y Aphrodisiac Beverage

No secret here that Roots & Crowns is very Rose-centric.
Roses are part of all the kinds of products I formulate. Whether it be ingestible, topical, or scent-ual Rose has an absolutely cornerstone in my work.
In celebration of the 6th birthday of my first ingestible product: Beloved Bitters, I've mixed this beverage of yumminess and wanted to share it with you!
You'll need to prep at least a day in advance to make the infusions, but it's super easy!
Step 1:
Infuse tequila (or water) with roses.
2 cups tequila (or water)
3 tbsp. dried red rose petals
Combine in clean jar, seal with wax paper and jar lid. Give it a good shake and put somewhere you'll remember to strain it! Kitchen counter is a good choice. Strain 18 hours later if you don't want the Rose flavor to become too astringent. When you strain the tequila/water it will be a reddish/brown color but the pink magic will happen when you mix your beverage!
Infuse simple syrup with roses.
1/3 cup organic cane sugar
1//3 cup recently boiled water
1 heaping tsp. dried red rose petals
Stir all together in clean jar until the sugar is dissolved. Let steep for a full day and then strain. You can keep what you don't use for a couple of weeks in the fridge!
Step 2:
Cocktail time!
This is a recipe for 2 beverages.
3 oz. Rose tequila
1.5 oz. Rose simple syrup
1.5 oz. fresh Lime juice
1 dropper-full of Beloved Bitters
Combine Rose tequila/tea, Rose simple syrup, lime juice in a shaker with ice. Shake, shake shake. Strain into a glass (observe the magic color shift!) with an ice block, preferably with roses inside. Top with Beloved Bitters. Enjoy!